Tuesday, August 13, 2013

More Birds


Well, the Paso Robles shop lady didn't think my bird masks were quite what her clients would buy so I have four new cool bird masks in my very own mask collection.

Here are the last two birds: one black-beaked one and one orange-beaked one. I had painted both of them but then got going with my torn magazine illustration colored papers and got carried away as usual--so they are almost entirely covered with magazine colored page bits! 

Just can't help it--I DO like the effect!

See? I told you so.  One has a black beak and one has an orange beak!

Visit again when you have the time.



Sunday, August 11, 2013

Vineyard One

Hey there,

I finished another wall decoration.

The weather here in Paso Robles is so good for the type of art I am doing--it dries the cardboard, paste, paper and paint so muy pronto.

So I am taking the pictorial and the color elements of the work farther than I ever have before in "pictures". There are so many watercolor and the usual medium artists cranking the same old landscapes with perhaps some minor departures like substituting a lavender tone for blue or a pale green (now called "apple green in the car sales brochures) for the deeper greens of nature.


I would far rather have fun with my art even if it be wild.

I call this work: "Vineyard One"

And I can hardly wait for "Vineyard Two"!

You too.



Friday, August 9, 2013

three wheels


Today I finished a small wall hanging--I hesitate to call it a "painting" since all the colors are color paper from magazines and it has an actual sculptural depth dimension.

The entire decoration is made of cardboard layers and other recycled materials--but I hope the statement made is not "This is a good way to recycle materials." but  "This is good art."

The size, including frame, is about 14 by 18 inches.

I call the piece "Three Wheels".


Wednesday, August 7, 2013



Some years ago I was a rock musician. No kidding.

I still like music--all kinds of music and sometimes I even get the urge to write a song! Also no kidding.

(Well doesn't everyone?)

So. though you have come to expect, and get, words about crafty projects on this blog--today I hope you will enjoy reading the words to my new song. I am getting a cool tune for the song with the help of my ukelele and may sing it for you sometime--with a LOT of help from my geekish better half, Tanya.'

Of course I drew a cartoon accompaniment for the song and will display it here too! (It is a little pale, but looks better if you click on the picture.)

The song is called:


And here is my draftsman-like drawing of a real foundation--built, as you see,  on bedrock..


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Days of the Dead


The climate here in Paso Robles is very good for papier mache work. What would take a couple of days of indoor drying in Eureka takes a couple of hours in the sunlight on our apartment porch.

I like it!

You know that way down south (not so very far away) in Mexico, one of the celebrations most enjoyed by the people is El Dia de los Muertos--the Day of the Dead--a celebration honoring the dead--sort of like our old "Memorial Day" or "Decoration Day" when it was customary to decorate the graves of family members and friends which had passed away.

Here Memorial Day has been pretty much taken over by patriotic fervor for military personnel killed while in the service. Not such a bad idea, of course, but since all of us will die and since not all of us are military people, I think it would be a good idea to celebrate Dia de los Muertos here in the USA for everybody. Perhaps we could also call it the Day of the Dead. As long as we are at it, I think it would also be a good idea to celebrate our dead for a nice ten-day period every year--say from October 23 to November 1 (The traditional DOD is November 1 following "All Hallow's Eve--or Halloween.)

Without being too gloomy about it, death is a rather serious matter which should be seriously considered--though I really enjoy the cheerful mood of the Mexican Dia de los Muertos celebration. Probably the subject of death should not just be kept quiet and not thought about like some taboo subject.

Papier mache masks and decorations--including a traditional altar--are very often set up in village churches or markets and I think this is also a good idea. I have seen some examples right here in southern California in Escondido and in Petaluma, for example where temporary altars have been decorated with crepe paper and papier mache figures and photos of the honored dead--even pets honored by the family children.

Anyway.  I plan to celebrate the Days of the Dead or Dias de los Muertos this year and invite you to do the same.

And also, my dear readers and friends, I wish all of you a very long and productive and very happy life!


Monday, August 5, 2013

Bird Masks


One of the gift-shop managers in our new  Paso Robles "hometown" said she would lke to see some papier mache bird masks--so I have been trying my hand with the birds.

I have done a bird or two in days long ago, but I have not done a REAL bird for ages.

So--here goes:--some:

BIRDS by Tomasito

Baseball Bird

Blue Bird

Speckled Bird

Hey! Making birds is FUN!

You guys are the Best of the Best.
See you again soon.
