Sunday, April 28, 2013

Boogie Dancers

A couple of papier mache projects have been finished over the last few days.

I love good old rock n roll music, of course, since I had a band playing same some years ago in Hawaii--and I am happy to see that an early form of r&r music--boogie woogie, is still very popular both in performing of music and dance.

There are a series of world championship boogie dancing videos on YouTube which I like to watch and which have inspired the creation of a little papier mache boogie dancing statuette and a papier mache mosaic 3-D picture.


Boogie woogie Dancer statuette.

Boogie woogie Dancers papier mache mosaic 3-D picture.

I wanted to express in papier mache art the fun and excitement--and the athletic skill--of these wonderful contemporary young dancers moving to the equally great pop music of the mid-twentieth century.


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Redwood Spirit Mask

I have been working slowly (as always with papier mache) on a basic framework for the Redwood Spirit Mask the inspiration for which came during a walk in the redwoods on Easter as mentioned earlier in this blog.

This morning I have started the work on what will appear to the viewer of the dancing mask. (Oh yes, all my masks are "dancing masks".)

I will be pretty large--well, what the heck, the ancient redwood trees are as tall as a football field is long and more and my mask won't be THAT big?

Here is the working drawing for the concept:

As you see, the wearer's head and eyes will look out from the "forehead" of the mask.

A very interesting project, yes?

See you around.



Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sidewalk Chalk


It seems that EVERYONE is an artist!

Some neighborhood lids with  sidewalk chalk decorated the sidewalks leading to the apartments in our complex all the way from the parking lot behind the buildings to the street in front.

Here is a good example:

NOW--lets get busy with our own!

Good work to you-all too!


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Alastair Sooke


Since you are looking at this blog, you must be an art lover so here is a YouTube video link you might enjoy as much as I have.

The BBC presenter Alastair Sooke has made a very interesting series about modern art
--"Modern Masters"--and once you get into the series you will be guided to further episodes.

Alastair is quite young. At first I thought: "What could this kid know about modern art and artists  that I don't--but he is well-placed and well rehearsed and knows a LOT more than I do.

I have found everything done by Alastair Sooke for BBC very interesting--click on this video  and see if you don't agree.

I made this sketch of Mr. Sooke for fun.

Art! (Even lowly papier mache!)


Friday, April 12, 2013

Disney and Mouse


Now here is one I am happy to finish.

Good old Walt Disney's portrait as a papier mache mosaic plus frame AND his great artistic offspring Micky Mouse!

I had the fun of making MM frim wire, papier mache and clay dough--then painting the whole figure.

Would you believe this is the first time I ever did a Mickey Mouse? For some reason I always was satisfied with Disney's expert artists, but this time I wanted to do the whole thing myself--and here he is: Ta Dah!!


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Mache Flowers


Yesterday you saw the newly created "face vase".

What kind of "flowers" would go in this papier mache vase?

Odd papier mache ones, of course like those you see in this sketch


Now to MAKE said "flowers"!

See ya,



Friday, April 5, 2013

Face Vase


I finished this vase yesterday.

Its papier mache so you don't put  REAL flowers with water in it--but you CAN put nice artificial flowers in it--so there!

And I am just the one to MAKE the peculiar kind of--artificial flowers to put in it--and I WILL! (Or, as they say, I HOPE to!)

The vase is about ten inches tall--sort of a stubby blue face with stylized "hair" in braids behind. It's cute.

I think.

See ya.



Thursday, April 4, 2013

Boogie Dancing

Boogie Dancing!

That's the stuff!

Inspired by some boogie dancing on YouTube, I am working on some papier mache dancers. 

Here is the fast sketch

And here goes for the 3-D papier mache dancers:

And if you want to see the inspiration click on this! (Man...jitterbugging was NEVER this good!)

See ya.



Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Boogie Jam


There is some great music on YouTube.

Literally something for everyone!  And this is the first time in my life I have been able to find music done by some of my favorite musicians without having to buy a record,  pay a heavy cover charge at a club or buy a ticket for a concert.

Not such a bad time to be alive after all.

I was listening to some boogie jam music and started doing what I like to do best but can't do very well in a club or concert--make sketches inspired by the musicians and the music and here is the product--Ta-dah!

Well, I like all kinds of music but I am SO fond of old-fashioned boogie woogie and rock n roll!

See ya.



Monday, April 1, 2013

Albert Lee

Hello again.

I was listening to one of my favorite rock n roll groups and got inspired to sketch some of their fine musicians.

Some of you will know that way back when, I was a rock n roll drummer  in Hawaii with "The Tidesmen", "Bruce Denny and the Plainsmen", "Eddie Suzuki and the Royal Sushi" and others (Heck, white as I am, I was even the drummer for "The Original Ink Spots" when they toured the service clubs of Oahu) and wasn't that fun!

The group I think makes the same kind of noise we did back then, but a whole lot better, is "The Refreshments".

They are really cookin', as we musicians say, in these YouTube videos--really enjoying each other and their music and don't the people love it too! Sure they do.

If you like great old fashioned rock n roll click this link to YouTube.

And here is my sketch of Albert Lee, one of the finest rock guitarists you will ever see or hear!

I hope to finish this sketch as a painting  or paper mosaic soon.

See ya.
