Saturday, May 30, 2009

Workshop Environment

Al and Zaccai (tomasito photo)

The above photo shows Al and Zak working on papier mache projects.

Most of our projects are done by different willing hands--a real workshop environment.

Al is adding layers of paper to a formed large bowl. We used the beach ball shown in the photo as our original form--so it is a good sized bowl. From start to finish--drying time and painting time-- the bowl project took about three weeks. It was a very satisfying project!


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sad Dog

Bea Befriends a Sad Dog

The other day Bea was looking through some old newspapers to find interesting images for her collage projects and came across this photo of a captured and imprisoned dog.

She studied the photo for a longish time and then said: "This dog hasn't got a friend in the world."

She cut out the dog photo and then cut out a layer cake and a sun symbol from the daily weather page--she pasted the cake and the sun where the dog image could "see" them and painted the sun yellow. She asked me if I had anything glittery to make the sun brighter and I added the glitter tape to her collage.

The dog had a friend.



Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Creative Growth

Bea and Helen at Work.

I believe that most people have a lot of creativity--even artistic creativity--bottled up in them.

But not many people are encouraged to express their creativity since it does not translate directly into more money. And since it has no outlet--instead of growing and developing it just dries up and disappears.

Our workshop gives a good opportunity to express our creativity in art and that little encouragement makes life more interesting, enjoyable and happy.



Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Masterpiece 2

Masterpiece # 2
(Click on picture for detail)

I call the above work--the painting and it's papier mache frame--Masterpiece # 2.

The painting was done by Helen on a quick cartoon I felt-tipped on a sheet of paper.

I added some color and a coat of polymer medium to her painting--and there it is!

I have visited art galleries and museums all over the world and I believe this creation is right up there with the most interesting work in them.



Monday, May 25, 2009

Bea at Work

Bea Helping with Papier Mache.

One of the enjoyable things about the Creative Workshop is the development of purpose and skill. Some of the people involved have had little "art" experience, but a long lifetime of other experience which they can draw upon in their creations.

Bea worked as a seamstress and enjoys using scissors and paper collage but is also growing more confident in drawing and painting.

She is painting watercolors which are carefully done and especially interesting because I believe she has had no formal training.

Bea draws things, not as they "should" be from a culturally conditioned artist's perspective--but from her own thoughts and opinions about how things are.



Sunday, May 24, 2009

Masterpiece 1

Masterpiece #1

A couple of blogs ago I showed you the materials and the method of making a cardboard pizza-box frame for a painting, and the above photo shows the completed masterpiece.

(I was tempted to put quotation marks on the word "masterpiece" (like that) but hey, it IS a masterpiece!

All of us at Tomasito's Creative Workshop agree on



Thursday, May 21, 2009

Papier Mache Materials

Papier Mache Materials.

We have been making rattles using different shaped containers like the empty salt box (cylinder) and the empty gelatin box (rectangular container).

Strips of newspaper and wheat paste are the only materials besides these forms to make these hand-held rattles--oh, and a little dry rice to make the sound inside the containers!

The wheat paste I use takes a handful of flour--the regular baking kind--and about three cups of water. I use a whisk to stir the flour and the water over a stove burner until the mixture starts to boil--and when it is cool it is the consistency of thick cream--I just dip the strips of newspaper into the paste--wipe of the drippy excess between my fingers and apply the paste-soaked strips to the form.

The more layers of paper the sturdier the construction.

Tomasito, 2009


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pizza Box Picture Frame

Masking tape, box cutter and pizza boxes--picture frame!

Picture Frame Making

Bea and Helen have been working lately at watercolor paintings.

I am especially happy about this because neither has much confidence or experience with watercolor painting--and it is not so easy when you are ninety
years old to pick up a new skill.

We have progressed bit by bit and now both are enjoying the process--but we needed some frames for their finished paintings!

Lucky for us a neighbor loves pizza and has it delivered to his apartment--and the boxes are good and sturdy.

Just the thing for the creation of papier mache picture frames!

Al and I are working with the frame manufacture and Zaccai and the rest are painting and decorating the frames. They are still under weigh, but I think they are going to be terrific--well very good for pizza box picture frames anyway!



Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bird Vase

Papier Mache Vase h6" X b5".

The vase pictured above was made by all of the workers at my workshop--everybody had a hand in the production!

Some did the papier mache work--others painted the base coat of acrylic and others did the decorative painting.

It is really a small workshop production!

Tomasito, 2009



Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Municipal Gallery Show

(Please click on photo for detail.)

Gallery Helper Brian Wilson and Artist Zaccai King. (Tanya photo 2009)

Municipal Gallery Show

One of the youngest exhibitors at the Municipal Gallery of Escondido, Zaccai King, discussed his interest in papier mache and art with Brian Wilson who with his wife Windy hung the show.

There were several shows opening on the same night which meant there was a good mix of artists and interested folks in attendance-lots of people mingling and every age represented from infant to ripe in years.

Good, loud music too which always seems to bring out the best in creative people.


Monday, May 11, 2009

Fine Gallery Reception

Tomasito with Creative Workshop Works of Art. (Tanya photo, 2009)

The May 9th reception at the Municipal Gallery in downtown Escondido was very good!

There were lots of happy, friendly people and several of Escondido's mature artists and their friends were rubbing shoulders with Escondido's high school artists and
their supporters --oh, it was VERY nice!

All enjoyed strawberries, cheese and crackers, wine and soft drinks and some really inspired art work.

Some young artists were cartooning on a big sheet of glass held in a vertical frame so the viewers could see both the artist and the artwork from
behind the drawing! Unique. Another talented young artist did a beautiful, colorful painting of a koi fish as we watched. Excellent!

Tomasito's Creative Workshop artists were represented by our papier mache work--and our things looked fine in the gallery setting.

Since our artists cannot leave the care residence none could attend the reception but our Assistant Volunteer, Zaccai King was there with his proud parents,
brothers and sisters.

The Workshop artists were delighted to hear all about the reception and were pleased that their work was shown in the gallery.

Thanks, Windy Wilson and the Escondido Municipal Gallery for showing our creative papier mache works!



Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hannah and Zaccai King and Bea Thomas.
(Tomasito photo, 2009)

We often have visiting guests atTomasito's Creative Workshop and they are welcome to join in the creative tasks of the day if they wish.

Assistant Volumteer Zakkai's younger sister Hannah helped out recently and did some drawing.

There is always plenty to do and guests like Hannah are very welcome.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Helen Gets Vivid. (Tomasito photo, 2009)

Helen prefers to draw and paint rather than the messier art work of papier mache.

She also enjoys singing and we all admire her voice.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Helen's Hat

Artist Helen Tries Fruit Bowl for Easter Hat. (Tomasito photo, 2009)

One of our favorite projects right now is a big papier mache fruit bowl. We formed it on a beach ball and it is presently getting painted.

We are also working on a lot of papier mache fruit to go IN the bowl.

This project has taken several weeks of papering and drying and the whole activities room is curious about what it will look like when it is finished.

Tomasito, 2009
