Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Solstice Celebration


You know, I have been interested in doing something masky and dancy on the solstices for some time now but have never gotten it together.

I have had the masks, but not the interested people--or the weather was too rainy  (Escondido)--or something else, but nothing much has ever happened!

But THIS winter solstice--almost exactly on December 21--my masks and interested people FINALLY came together--and I wasn't even there!

The location was The Panda's Garden, an outdoor classroom project at Virginia Peterson School in Paso Robles. CA.

Mr C., one of the good teachers of the Special Education classes at the elementary school, saw my masks and said he would be interested in doing something with them for the 2013 winter solstice with his students.

So here they are! (TAH-DAH!!).

Everybody likes the frog, and my portrait mask of Lauren Eisley?--well, wouldn't he be surprised!

And here is my "Grampus" mask which I modeled on the traditional
Grampus of the Bavarian Grampus and Nickolaus legend.

I was working in another classroom at the time these kids were in the garden, but I was told they had had a good time--so the celebration was a great success as far s I am concerned. And who knows--it may become an annual event!

Oh, and for your contemplation, here are photos my myself and Tanya (Mrs. Wold) posing recently by the scarecrow which we helped create in The Panda's Garden.

Best wishes, you-all, for a very happy and prosperous NEW YEAR!

 Tanya and Tom, 2014


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Paso Update


We are still in Paso Robles, or El Paso de Robles, California. Halfway between L.A. and San Francisco

We are getting to know this nice little town better.

I have been spending some hours with Special Ed kids and their adult teachers and aides, fitting in some artwork as well as I can--sometimes with the kids and sometimes just doing what I like to do with sketching and modeling salt/flour clay. I am working as a teacher's aide so I don't have a lot of classroom responsibilities and I do get paid for my time which is nice.

Here is a sketch of one of my students: he is working out a math problem--poor kid!--But I guess we all have to suffer through this part of our "education"..

And, of course, I have been spending some time in the garden of the school where I have been working, Virginia Peterson Elementary School. (Its a quiet place to eat lunch and Tanya and I helped create the featured scarecrow..)

See ya around!