Tuesday, August 31, 2010


ALOHA Resident.

There was a Hawaiian Luau celebration at the care center last week.

It was a good success.

So nice to see some of the old Hawaiian dances performed by professionals and hear the same old songs after lo these many years!

The residents enjoyed the colors and the dancing I think--though sometimes it is not easy to see if they actually know what is going on. The activities staff had spent a lot of time decorating and getting all the arrangements made. A special Hawaiian-style meal was served too.

I had the great fun of dressing up in a papier mache mask and dancing a simple hula--that's the only kind I know!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Nick Assists With Papier Mache. (Tomasito photo 2010)

We have had a new young Assistant Caretaker come into the care facility to help us out recently.

His name is Nick and he is twelve years old.

Nick was a student in the sixth grade last year at the school where I taught a papier mache mask making class--and he REMEMBERED how to do it! Was I ever impressed!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Richard's Third Sermon

Richard's Sermon 3

Richard Lion Heart Preaching. (Tomasito photo 2010)

Sermon Number Three

Richard came to our Creative Workshop again and preached another sermon from his electric-powered wheelchair.

Since he has officially died twice and has returned, he believes, to help mankind, especially children, through preaching
--I thought it might be a good thing to record some of his sermons which are delivered to me personally since I am the one there-but he feels the words he proclaims are for everybody--and he is fulfilling his mission by preaching.

So I am merely passing his sermons on. He says that "every day is a gift from God". and he is absolutely sincere and in a position to at least hope that his own words are true.

The above pictures are Richard's paintings (he can only move his right hand a little) and my notes. TW


Richard says: "The Lord is merciful and forgiving, Thomas. I have died twice and am not afraid of death. It is restful.

This world was created with love. We must humble ourselves. Our names are written in the Book of Life and if your name is not there--you are out. Hell IS eternal death, Thomas, so we must trust and obey. But remember, His mercy is brand new every morning.

I overdosed on my 31st birthday. I was addicted to pain medication which I got from dentists by telling them I had toothache. I died but was sent back by the Lord to help children understand The Way and so here I am,

THIS world will pass away, but HIS world is forever.

We can't walk alone--we must walk by faith.

These earthquakes and wars are signs of the Last Days, Thomas--you are not supposed to covet anything but The Lord.

I am telling you the truth. He is SO merciful.

This world is dirty--I don't even watch TV any more. I spend my time talking to The Lord.

God is Spirit. Spirit, Thomas.

Children make friends so easy--that's why we gotta become like children.

I used to break into houses to get money for drugs, but I am a new man now and forgiven by God. I'm not afraid of God any more.

What we have here now is mass confusion. Heaven is a new world--it is like a garden.

The Lord weeps for us and feels our pain. He let me have the pain of a heart attack so I would know God and it woke me up. Apostle Paul said it best--God woke him up too and he knew the love of God.

When I died I felt the love of God so strong--it is awesome.

When I died I was instantly in paradise. The flesh dies, the spirit, no.

When you pass away, you have a new body Thomas.

I had shingles and it was excruciating--like I was carrying the sins of the world on my back. We can't conceive of how the mind of God works. Jesus was born into this world to die for us.

My dad was an alcoholic. He walked out on us when I was a child--a bad choice for him. I am from a sick family. The choices you make every day affect your whole life. I have forgiven all my family, Thomas.

Trust the Lord in all your ways, Thomas.

In the Book it says that when Moses saw God's BACK Moses' face glowed so strong people couldn't look at him.

God is all light. I saw Satan get fired and thrown out--the King of Demons. I saw him, Thomas. God cast him down to earth and he tempted Eve to eat the forbidden pear fruit.
We make choices every day--God is love and the Spirit of Truth.

Richard (Lion Heart) August 19 201


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Ugly Bug Mask

Mary Tries Ugly Bug Mask. (Tomasito photo)

I took my latest mask--which looks now like a classic "Ugly Bug"--to show to some friends at the Light and Life School Office next door and Mary, the Secretary, wanted to try it on--so I got this shot of the still unfinished mask being demonstrated on a real live model!


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sermon Number 2, Richard Lion-heart

Richard Lion-heart. (Tomasito photo, 2010)

Richard came to our creative workshop again and delivered his second sermon from his wheel-chair while he drew.

This time I took notes (right on his drawing) a bit more carefully and had my young "Assistant Volunteer" Nick help out.


"I'm an ex-drug addict saved by the Lord.

I have died twice but have come back. God told me that if I would come back he would bless me. God sent me back for the kids, Thomas--to give them a second chance

God loves us so much He sent Himself in His son. You can't scorn Him.

God gives us all the chances we need--you don't have to worry about that
, Thomas.

The colors in heaven are alive, Thomas. They move. They jump around!

I've been here (care center) for 20 years. I overdosed and went into a coma for six and a half months. They brought me here And I have been here ever since. God stripped me of my legs but it has been a blessing.

My mother abandoned me when I was five years old. She spit in my face and said she wished I had never been born I was raised by my Grandmother. My father was a Cherokee Indian, an alcoholic--he killed people. My brother enjoyed hurting people. He would beat them up.

Things always come back on you. That's why you should be good to people, Thomas. That's why you gotta love people. What you do TO people WILL come back to you, Thomas.

God laid out the plan for Adam and Eve, but they didn't do it. God has lots of chances. God gives you LOTS of chances. Eventually you will do it right.

Jesus KNEW he would have to suffer. He begged not to have to do it--but it was the only way. It is no joke. Jesus didn't die for nothing.

On September 27 I am going home--to give hope to the poor and sight to the blind. No more narcotics!

God wants them to know that dying is easy--living is hard, Thomas.


Nick took three notes while Richard spoke.

1) God is love.
2) Don't hate.
3) Every breath we have is a gift from God.


God loves us so much He sent Himself in His son. You can't scorn Him.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Director's Mask Update

Director's Mask. (Tanya photo)

On my July 14 blog I showed you a papier mache mask I am making for myself--that is designed to fit ME comfortably.

It is coming along slowly but nicely, I think--though it is a bit larger and heavier than I expected.

I hope to wear it for some sort of ceremonial "do" sometime fairly soon.

I'll keep you posted.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Al at Easel

Al at Easel

Al has graduated to painting at an easel!

Only a few months ago Al had never thought of himself as an artist--now he is boldly painting AT AN EASEL! (And from his wheel-chair to boot!)

He has become the "ALPHA DOG" of our creative workshop. Good for you, Al!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sermon 1, Richard Lion Heart.

Richard Lion Heart at drawing Desk
"The Holy Spirit is drawing this, I'm not." Richard says.

First Painting, Richard Lion Heart. (Tomasito photo.)

Today for the first time Richard Lion Heart came to the Creative Workshop.

Richard is pretty severely handicapped, but can move around in an electric wheelchair. His right hand can function somewhat and he talks clearly though quite rapidly.

As I mentioned a few days ago, he has clinically died twice but he says that he was sent back "because he has a lion-heart...to preach." and that he does with all his power.

Sermon Number One

By Rickard Lion-heart

"In the few minutes I was dead I went to heaven and it was so beautiful that it would be a crime for me to explain how beautiful it is. But I can tell you it is warm and lovely."

"When you are in the womb, God has a plan for your life."

"God loves children and the Holy Spirit is breath so when you are born the Holy Spirit enters you with your first breath."

"Hope is a big word--an awesome word. I haven't walked for twenty years but I now have feeling in my toes and I am studying to be a preacher--that's why I returned from the dead."

"Man destroys what he doesn't understand and this breaks God's heart."

"Our last breath here is our first breath in heaven. God is love. This is not a joke."


Well, it has all probably been said before, but The Great Spirit, thru Richard Lion Heart is a dynamite preacher.


Monday, August 2, 2010


Hands across the years. (Tomasito photo, 2010)

Useful, beautiful, creative tools these hands--young and old.
